September 14, 2008

Hit by the Hurricane

This weekend was quite a whirlwind...good, but quick. I attend the ladies retreat this weekend. It was quite a blessed time to get away with Christian women and just spend time with God. What a wonderful way to spend a weekend. We talked a lot about love and loving people. It was something I really needed to be reminded of...especially to remind me of how I need to love my difficult students.

Oh the other hand though, the hurricane made for an interesting weekend. We watched the news during the breaks throughout the weekend because the hurricane was heading right toward Little Rock. Our retreat center was about two hours away in the middle of no where, but it looked like the hurricane was basically going to hit the entire state (Arkansas is just not that big). I was on the phone off and on all day yesterday with Matt making sure they were ok. It hit last night. No big problems, just a lot of power outages. Of course, with the wind there are broken trees and other damage, but everyone is good. I woke up this morning to the power being out at the retreat center. So, we ate breakfast and worshipped without electricity. I had talked with Matt this morning as well, who said the power was out at our apartment. So, I got to come home to a house without power. Hopefully, it will be up and running again by tonight or tomorrow...

Thanks be to God for all of His blessings and protection this weekend.

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