August 14, 2008

Little Rock

I have arrived! Ok, actually I arrived on Sunday evening, but... I am here none the less. Little Rock, our new home away from home. So, this week has been quite crazy for me. I started Inservice on Monday. (BTW, I have come to appreciate more and more the previous schools I have worked for as the week has progressed.) This week has consisted of me being is meetings all day and looking for a place to live in the evenings. Oh, and figuring out where Brayden is going to school. Yes, I am sure most of you are thinking "Surely she would have had all of this figured out before she moved," but you all would be wrong. :-)

Basically, we were trying to hold out on getting an apartment because we were hoping the buying a house thing would go through quicker than it has. So, an apartment it is for six months. The boys will have fun, though. The apartment complex has a playground (which is conveniently located across from our building), two swimming pools, a workout facility (so I can work out my "stress" eating from the last couple of weeks), and...are you ready for this? tanning. Yes, you read that tanning. I haven't quite seen that amentity before.

Oh, and the school thing... I had always planned on bringing Brayden to school where I am teaching, but this changed this week. As I was sitting through Inservice listening about school improvement, I found out more and more how low my school is in test scores. I did not realize how low we were until I started seeing the numbers on paper. I knew it was a low income school, but I was balancing that with Brayden having the security of knowing I was there in the building, so I thought it would be fine. But, as I heard more and more, I started to really think that Brayden would just be bored in class. It seems that he would be way ahead of the other kids and would not really be learning anything new. I also talked with the GT teacher at our school who recommended that I not bring Brayden there for the same reasons. So, Monday started the search for the new school. I tried to get a transfer to a couple of the newer, nicer schools, but they were already full. Therefore, we found an apartment in an area where Brayden can go to a better school. He will now attend a Magnet school that focuses in Technology and Communications. Sounds pretty cool, huh? I am so excited about him being there. Although, I am quite sad that I will not be at the same school. Maybe next year? Who knows!

Hope you enjoy my ramblings today... maybe there will be more later.


The Davis Rodeo said...

WoW Christie! I am so happy to hear Matt and the kids got there okay. What a bummer about your school not working out for Brayden, but isn't it funny how it worked out for the best. I am sure you all will enjoy living in an apartment for a while....Matt doesn't have to worry with lawn work either! And Tanning?! WHAT?! I have never heard that before either. I guess you will be as dark as ever the next time I see you.

The Davis Rodeo said...

BTW I love the new facelift you gave your blog. The colors you chose reminds me of you. It looks great!!!!

MommaLlama said...

Wow... sounds like you have a lot on your plate.

Okay, the magnet school sounds really neat!

Rose said...

Sounds like you made the right choice girl. Good for you! Love the new blog, btw!