November 7, 2008

Ode to School

Well, I wanted to let everyone know that the school week did get better. Thanks for listening to my rantings on Tuesday. I still am amazed at some of my children, but the good news is that only one child got sent home this week. (FYI - That's an improvement from weeks past. I usually send 4-5 kids to the office on a regular, almost daily, basis.)

So, here is what I am looking forward to in November...

Next week, we have a shortened week at school. Apparently in Arkansas they have 2 days with the kids out of school yearly for Arkansas Educators Association Conference. That means, I still have to work, but no kiddos. YEA! That will occur on Thurs & Fri. To top the week off I will have a sub on Wed because I have to be out for another professional development day. The good news is that I am still going to be at the school, so my kids should not be near as disruptive since I will be just across the hall from them.

The next week is a full week of school, but I actually have to attend 2 different trainings that week as well. So, I will only be at school MWF for the week.

Then, Thanksgiving! YEA!!! Mon & Tues and no more for the week. We get to take a trip home to Texas to visit with family and some friends. I wish there was more time to take a trip back to Clifton & Waco so that I could visit all of my friends, but I'll take what I can get.

BTW, if you are starting to question my return to teaching, I want to reassure you that I do absolutely LOVE teaching. I just have a very "behaviorally challenged" & "academically challenged" class. It makes for a harder school year in which I enjoy regular breaks, but still love the little successes I get to be a part of with my kiddos.

Anyways...enjoy your upcoming weeks as I know I will!


The Davis Rodeo said...

I will for sure place you mom in my prayers. Please keep us posted on her surgery!

MommaLlama said...

Glad to hear things got better... and while I homeschool... I love holiday weeks as well! I need a break just as much as they do! Yeah for Thanksgiving... sadly I really don't have any 'professional development' time away... I have to do that all on my own time :-).