ping pong tournament
pirate fun at Camp Carnival
family photo on formal night
This is the picture we used for the Christmas card.
Mason, Brayden, & Anna
Matt & I
ping pong tournament
pirate fun at Camp Carnival
family photo on formal night
This is the picture we used for the Christmas card.
getting ready to go...
Brayden did such a great job. He was so still and well behaved throughout the entire time. I'm so proud. You almost would have thought it wasn't him... :-)
Brayden made a new friend this weekend. The other little boy in the picture is Addison. He is John & Kevin (groom)'s nephew. They had the best time. Addison actually even spent the night after the rehearsal dinner because they were having so much fun together.
Brayden & Addison at the reception
Doesn't Brayden look so excited?
Mason climbing up the big slide by himself!
Then, it was off to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner. Mason loved the "puppy."
Mason stealing my drink.
After Chuck E. Cheese, we went to Wal-Mart to let Brayden pick out a birthday present for Mason. During our time in the store, Mason decided to have a fall. Therefore, we ended up at the emergency room on Mason's birthday. It's hard to see, but there is a line of purple on the side of his face. He was fine, but it was scary for us.
Since we spent several hours at the ER the night of Mason's birthday, we decided to wait until the next morning for him to open his birthday presents.
Thanks, brother!
Happy Birthday Mason!